Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Designs of Daniel Simon

In the interview below Joe Johnston mentions designer Daniel Simon. This is the guy that did the light cycle for 'Tron: Legacy'.

For 'Captain America' Johnston asked Simon to come up with vehicles that represented a '40s futurism'. That is, stuff with a look that would have been considered futuristic to people in the 1940s. Here's a look at Simon's design for Hydra's submarine:

That thing is beautiful, repellent, and dangerous looking all at the same time. 

A very sinister looking car.

I think Simon's designs pretty much fit the bill.

Here's a featurette on the light cycle:

 Simon is doing designs for 'Oblivion' which is looking promising. Tom Cruise is set to star.

Here's Simon's Cosmic Motors website. The blog is a must for fans of sci-fi.

If you like his stuff he has a book, 'Cosmic Motors: Spaceships, Cars and Pilots of Another Galaxy'.


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