Friday, December 17, 2010

'I Love You Phillip Morris' Review

I love this from Melissa Anderson's review of 'I Love You Phillip Morris' at Seattle Weekly:

It's taken almost two years for the bonkers, exhilarating same-sex romantic comedy I Love You Phillip Morris to finally reach theaters. Premiering at Sundance in January 2009, the movie was a near-casualty of nervous-nellie U.S. distributors—more comfortable with innocuous gay genres like the homosexual weepie or the martyr biopic—and countless release delays. In the interim, we've bided our time with such high-profile, big-screen depictions of man/man love as Brüno pantomiming oral on the ghost of Rob Pilatus and Colin Firth's suicidal fusspot furtively nuzzling Matthew Goode in a Single Man flashback. Save it, Mary: Nothing tops ILYPM's Jim Carrey as a top, sweatily, giddily ass-plowing a mustached muscle-daddy in the most gloriously raunchy, unrepentant moment in the an(n)als of Hollywood A-listers doing gay-for-pay.

There's some nice insight regarding Jim Carrey's career. Worth a read.

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