Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Impression of 'Ghetto Physics'

I put up this poster for 'GhettoPhysics' and said I thought it might be interesting. A person named Sonia responded:

It IS interesting. But don't take my word for it; you can see for yourself in just a few days - check out showtimes on ghettophysics.com. I was lucky enough to catch one of the September sneak previews and was thoroughly impressed by the film's original spin on the post powerful of topics: power itself. It fits in a series of hard hitting docs we've seen recently like an Inconvenient truth or anythign with Michael Moore's name stamped on it. But Ghettophysics sets itself apart through its colorful use of the streets and its focussed target: the individual. In an age when we all feel frustrated, marginalized, downright angry, and powerless to do anything about it, this film reminds us how wrong we are. It is within our own power to decide what role we are going to play in this world; just as a prostitute lets the pimp control her, so do we allow ourselves to be controlled by the the government, the media, the corporate world...finally a film that puts the power back in our hands. I encourage everyone to see this movie and take its message to heart. Stand up and reclaim your power, people; god knows its about time.

I can't say I completely agree, but, nicely said.

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