Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sunshine Review

SunshinePictured is the hallway that leads from my living room to the kitchen (if you look closely you can see me at the end of the hall holding a ham sandwich...that I just my kitchen). Okay. Fine. This is actually a still from '
Sunshine', opening tomorrow in the UK (arriving in the US 9/14).

Derek Elley has a rundown over at Variety. Derek describes the movie as an 'atmospheric drama that's gripping for two-thirds of the voyage', that finishes with 'an odyssey to no-ideas-ville'.

Okay, that's not great-sounding, but on the plus side I can't take too seriously phraseology like 'odyssey to no-ideas-ville'. I've been to No-Ideas-Ville -- it's a nice place. Clean, not too much crime, nice schools...and, it's not too far from Oddly-Clunky-Writing-Style-Town, and a short drive from I'll-Hyphenate-Anything Village. It's nice.

Derek does point out that the ending is a bit much, saying:

...capped by an increasingly visceral, killer-on-the-loose finale. Latter becomes progressively more ridiculous after the script's earlier, careful calibrations.

What the second half of the second sentence means is anyone's guess. I'm going with: ...more ridiculous when compared to the carefully calibrated story elements of the first part of the movie.

I've heard other comments to this effect (if I understand Derek correctly) and it's not encouraging. I'm holding out, though -- this is the most interesting sci-fi to come along in a while. On the plus side -- movies like this are by-and-large review-proof so business should be good (okay, now I'm hyphenating everything that moves). If the ending is really that bad I'll just watch the first two-thirds over and over.

Check out for gobs of cool stuff. How many days until 9/14?

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