Derek Elley has a rundown over at Variety. Derek describes the movie as an 'atmospheric drama that's gripping for two-thirds of the voyage', that finishes with 'an odyssey to no-ideas-ville'.
Okay, that's not great-sounding, but on the plus side I can't take too seriously phraseology like 'odyssey to no-ideas-ville'. I've been to No-Ideas-Ville -- it's a nice place. Clean, not too much crime, nice schools...and, it's not too far from Oddly-Clunky-Writing-Style-Town, and a short drive from I'll-Hyphenate-Anything Village. It's nice.
Derek does point out that the ending is a bit much, saying:
...capped by an increasingly visceral, killer-on-the-loose finale. Latter becomes progressively more ridiculous after the script's earlier, careful calibrations.
What the second half of the second sentence means is anyone's guess. I'm going with: ...more ridiculous when compared to the carefully calibrated story elements of the first part of the movie.
I've heard other comments to this effect (if I understand Derek correctly) and it's not encouraging. I'm holding out, though -- this is the most interesting sci-fi to come along in a while. On the plus side -- movies like this are by-and-large review-proof so business should be good (okay, now I'm hyphenating everything that moves). If the ending is really that bad I'll just watch the first two-thirds over and over.
Check out sunshinedna.com for gobs of cool stuff. How many days until 9/14?
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