Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A New Kidman?

From USA Today:

"I now have a whole different set of experiences and emotions I'm willing to mine," says Kidman, 43. "At times, I don't want to work, which is what a lot of my choices have been recently, or I want to do one week in something. But with Rabbit Hole, I knew I needed to do this artistically."

Falls in line with what I've seen in trailers. Kidman just seems like a different person in 'Rabbit Hole'. Maybe warmer, a bit. More there, real. She has always seemed so, oh, once removed? from the character. Very strong acting in a mechanical sense, to be sure, but distanced emotionally. Her screen presence has often been called 'regal', which may have been a euphemism to describe the effect of a careful technique.

'Rabbit Hole' seems to reverse this. I've mentioned it before. It's hard not to come to the conclusion a marriage and baby have changed her (which Kidman herself claims), and it seems apparent to me. We'll see.

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